Kali Linux: the operating system for research security of systems
Kali Linux has replaced the earlier developing project BackTrack Linux and released instead of the expected release of BackTrack 6. Solved problems by Kali Linux is identical to BackTrack Linux and is also designed for testing systems for vulnerabilities, audit, analysis of the residual effects of information and identify attacks.
Kali Linux is developed in partnership with Rapid7, to develop a platform for the analysis of vulnerabilities and Metasploit has taken over the provision of official support of Metasploit in Kali. In preparing Kali Linux was considered the entire seven-year experience of the project BackTrack and implemented many new ideas on the establishment of a new generation of security checks.
Kali Linux is positioned as a professional version of BackTrack Linux, ready for use in a corporate environment and taking into account the possible need responsible for the security of IT-staff to adapt to the distribution infrastructure. The key difference from its predecessor is the transition to a packet base Debian GNU / Linux, instead of the previous package build their own infrastructure, and borrowing some of the basic parts of Ubuntu.
Repository Kali four times a day is automatically synchronized with repositories Debian, providing the most recent set of updates. Another notable difference for users is to move to the placement test tools in the default file system hierarchy, instead of the previous single tree / pentest. All developing project Kali additional packages designed using standard Debian tools and is fully compatible with the distribution.
In addition to Kali Linux completely redesigned graphical environment, which is now based on GNOME 3. General menu hierarchy is left in its original form and will be familiar to users of BackTrack Linux. To simplify the newcomers introduced a new category - "Top 10 Security Tools", which presents 10 of the most popular tools for security checks, such as Aircrack-ng, Hydra, John the Ripper, Metasploit, Nmap, SQLMap, Wireshark and Zaproxy.
Kali Linux is based on the Linux kernel which is built with the patch to support injection packages for many types of wireless adapters. In addition, the kit includes a large collection of additional dryverov for wireless devices. From the use of technology in a significant expansion of Debian tools to customize the distribution and increase the number of images available for download.
Besides LiveDVD-image (2 GB) for the i386 and amd64 formation of minimalistic console assemblies, 400 MB available for the assembly of devices based on the architecture ARM, including armel (Raspberry Pi) and armhf (ChromeBook, Odroid U2, RK3306 / SS808). Simplifying the process of forming their own assemblies - just download the base configuration file, edit it to your liking (for example, instead choose GNOME KDE, LXDE, MATE or XFCE), if necessary, to rebuild interest packages or add packages from Debian, and run the assembly iso- image or to a virtual machine environment.
Kali Linux as BackTrack, contains one of the richest collections of programs related to security: from tools for testing web-applications and penetration of wireless networks, to programs to read data from RFID identity chips. The set includes a collection of exploits and more than 300 specialized tools for security checks, such as Aircrack, Maltego, Metasploit, SAINT, Kismet, Bluebugger, Btcrack, Btscanner, Nmap, p0f.
In addition, Kali Linux includes tools for acceleration guessing passwords (Multihash CUDA Brute Forcer) and WPA keys (Pyrit) through leveraging technology CUDA and ATI Stream, allowing to use GPU NVidia and ATI to perform computing operations. Unlike BackTrack, in Kali undergone extensive cleaning of instruments from which eliminated duplicate packets and problematic components.
All original developments created under Kali Linux released under GPL and is available through the public Git-repository.
Developer Site: http://www.kali.org/
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