Friday, November 16, 2012

A quarter of the discussions on hacker forums - Training

ADC Hacker Intelligence Initiative: a quarter of the discussions on hacker forums - Training

The study showed " Monitoring Hacker Forums ", a recent company Imperva, a discussion in which learning takes place hacking technologies, 28% of the content of hacker forums, is the main content of these Internet sites. The main themes of the training, regarding the transfer of knowledge and experience novice hackers, hacking techniques websites and web forums, hacking software and other tools hackers.

The main topics that were not related to training, it is mostly highly technical issues and cybercrime business (orders, service offerings and stolen information, etc.).

"Indeed, online forums have become, unfortunately, today, effective search, training, and technical equipment hackers. Beneficiary of the work of these resources is in the first place, the hacker community that gets a great opportunity to improve their skills and to recruit talented young people - says the company's experts eScan in Russia and CIS countries. - In addition to training on these forums hackers can coordinate their actions and provide the information required for a solicitation. "

"Ironically, the existence of such forums is beneficial also for information security professionals who can use them to keep track of new areas of interest of hackers and hacking technology trends. Of course, solid industry representatives cybercriminals talking to a private Internet sites, where security experts to get much more complicated than the usual hacker forum ", - the expert adds.


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