DoS - attacks (Denial of Service Attack) or "denial of service" - the most basic category of attacks in the area of computer security. The term can be applied to any situation in which an attacker tries to prevent any use of a resource. This can be achieved in many ways, both physical and virtual. The purpose of DoS-attacks is to create conditions of the site, in which the user can not access it. Most often, hackers do this by throwing a huge poster of "garbage" queries, and users can no longer get through to the site: the legitimate requests are drowning in "noise".
DDoS - attack
The command is given to the attack, for example, to chat. The host writes a phrase that contains the website address of the victim. Network of zombie machines starts. Requests come from many points of the Network, go with a high frequency, and the site they are attacking, not starting to cope with the influx of a normal request to stop responding to legitimate requests and finally freezes.
DRDoS - attack (Distributed Reflection Denial of Service). Distributed attack using reflecting public servers.
Within this attack Attackers would command a Masters Slaves, they are bombarded with requests shared servers Reflectors - DNS-server, web server, a mail car, etc., but as the return address indicates the address of the victim - Victim, and reflected the answers go to the victim and stop its performance.
DDoS attacks - the weapon of mass destruction. Increased reliance on Internet resources leads to the fact that the financial and other implications of successful DDoS attacks more painful hit by service providers, businesses and government agencies. New, more powerful DDoS tools threaten even more devastating attacks in the coming months and years.
Over the last year, the number and complexity of DDoS attacks greatly increased, most surprising attitude providers to situations where the best they have to offer - it's just disconnect the server and wait out the attack, striking examples of the French company Orange Business Services (ex-Equant).
At the moment it seems that the weak resistance of the growing number of providers of DDoS attacks, the most profitable provider, because the owner pays for the traffic of the Internet resource or visitor.
Unfortunately, the complete lack of an effective international agreements and legislation, as well as professional communities to combat DDoS attacks, attackers create many opportunities to incapacitate almost any Internet resource in the world.
Intense 20 Gbps DDoS attacks became the norm in Q3 2012
Each day, Black Lotus is on the front lines defending service providers and end users against massive, insidious DDoS attacks in order to ensure complete availability of our partner networks.
The Global Leader in DDoS Protection and Mitigation. Prolexic is the world’s largest and most trusted distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation service provider.
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